Saturday, March 29, 2008

A little light bedtime reading.....

Beekeeping 101.....last night I was focusing on over-wintering bees. Many beekeepers in AB don't both to over winter their bees - they just kill them off with cyanide. I really don't want to keep cyanide on my property - there are enough dangers on an acreage without having cyanide around - it is VERY dangerous to humans too.....

I'm not sure I actually agree with killing off bee colonies anyway - bees are having a hard enough time surviving as it is - so many diseases killing them off. Before you could order them online each year people just over-wintered their bees because they had to. I'm certainly going to try.

I don't think its any cheaper to over winter....but I think it will be far more satisfying as a beekeeper.

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